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Stephanie Duckworth - biography

Stephanie Jeter

Dr. Stephanie Jeter started playing classical music when she was 9 years old living in East Tennessee, however it was when she lived in New York City years later that she was encouraged to discover the traditional music of the Appalachian region.  While living in the culturally diverse community of the International House in NYC, she was surrounded with and inspired by colleagues from other countries who embraced and preserved the traditional music of their own heritage.  When Stephanie returned to TN, she picked up the autoharp and bass, and began to study the traditional old-time string band music of the Appalachian region from where she was raised.  She enrolled in the East Tennessee State University Bluegrass, Old-Time, and Country Music studies program, and was selected to be in one of the top bands in the program, which performed a musical tour in the Czech Republic in 2011.  While in the Czech Republic, she assisted in the instruction of a dance workshop where she shared the traditional dance steps for clogging and flat footing. 

She has won awards for clogging/flatfooting and autoharp and teaches dance workshops.  In addition to her full-time job as a physical therapist in Lexington, KY, she also serves as an adjunct professor at Morehead State University in Morehead, KY where she has taught introductory ensemble and private autoharp and bass lessons at the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music.  Stephanie loves to bake and holds the title of Master Pie Baker at the Appalachian Fair for 2015 and 2016.

Stephanie' released her solo album Missing Piece in Aug 2016 and features old-time and early country songs, tunes, and ballads. You can buy it in the EBSB store on our website, download it on iTunes, or purchase at  Listen to selected tracks below!